I’ve lived with Coeliac Disease since the age of 7 and Endometriosis since 2017. Experiencing constant tiredness and brain fog, and suffering with digestive upsets and bloating, I turned to Nutrition in 2014 with the aim to address my health through the power of food. Seven years on and I’m now a qualified and registered Nutritional therapist putting my knowledge and experience into practice.

From bloating and severe digestive issues, to excruciating period pain and post birth control syndrome, to stressed out adrenals and restrictive eating – I’ve experienced it all! Fortunately, this experience made me dig deeper, focus my energy on research and knowledge and take back control of my long-term health. Yep, even when I’m bleeding.

These days I feel energised, calmer and happier, and focus on a positive mindset. I’m bloat free and no longer reach for painkillers to get me through my period. I enjoy eating my favourite foods and have them contribute to my hormone balance and longevity.

And I’m here to help you achieve the same.



My Philosophy

My whole approach to nutrition focuses on easy to digest, nutrient dense foods that will promote body functions rather than hinder them. This means taking it back to basics and keeping it simple. No restrictions.

We live in a world that is not designed for female hormones to thrive. From juggling childcare, housework, and a stressful career, to pollution, chemically grown food and toxic personal care products. And we wonder why we find ourselves suffering from painful periods, infertility, missing cycles, getting teary and lacking in motivation and energy.

I teach women how to nourish their hormones through nutrition and lifestyle practices to help them balance their daily lives, manage stress and be happier in their bodies.

I believe every woman has the right to thrive from their unique hormonal rhythms, and I’m here to help them achieve this!  


How I Took Back Control

A year after I came off the pill, I noticed my periods were becoming heavier and more painful, I was getting acne for the first time in my life and my moods would get very low. I had an endometrioma in my ovary, known as a chocolate cyst, and was told I likely had endometriosis, and that the pill was the only ‘fix’. Surgery wasn’t advised as the cyst was small.

After 2 years of restrictive diets, expensive supplements and functional tests, my symptoms had improved but my cyst continued to grow!

I decided to take a step back, ditch the supplements, eat a balanced diet and began digging deep into hormones and their role in endometriosis. This led to researching endocrinology and studying nutritional biochemistry.

Now I’m hooked. I spend hours and hours each week learning about human physiology, nutrition and hormones. I nourish my body with real food, focusing on digestion and absorption, prioritising sleep and sunlight and restorative movement.


Next Steps

Are You Ready To Say Goodbye To Your Period Problems And Hello To Hormonal Health?

What Are Your Next Steps?