Hormone Rebalance

Learn To Use Nutrition To Beat Your PMS, Bloating and Painful Periods In 6 Weeks …

… without restrictive diets or expensive supplements!



If you want to heal your hormones using nutrition and lifestyle practices …

… you’ve probably been told you need to cut out all dairy, gluten, sugar, meat and carbs.

… or spend your hard earned money on an expensive and complicated supplement protocol.

But how far will this really get you in your healing journey?

Yes, I overcame my endometriosis and live in great health using nutrition and supplements. BUT the #1 lesson I learned is that:

Healing comes from nourishment, not restriction.

The majority of the health and nutrition world focus too much on restrictive protocols that are unrealistic, time consuming and low in nutrient density. They lead us to a state of depletion rather than nourishment.

Instead, I want you to break free from the restrictive eating and diet culture BS, and learn how to build a nutritious plate to give your body exactly what it needs to be healthy.

If you want to join the community of women who …

👏🏼banished their period pain and bloating

👏🏼boosted their mood and energy,

👏🏼no longer experience PMS in the lead up to their period

👏🏼are sleeping well and waking up rested

👏🏼have had periods that were once irregular or completely missing return without any troublesome signs.

I’ve made it my personal goal to help you achieve the same wins my one-to-one nutritional therapy clients have experienced when they finally learn how to nourish their body!

And Here Is The Proof …

Mante’s daily bloating completely disappeared, she feels strong and healthy, her energy is steadier and her endo pain has significantly reduced … she said “I wouldn’t even know I had endometriosis anymore

 Roxy has the clearest skin she’s ever had, better quality sleep, better iron levels, less headaches, regular periods and far less cramps. She reintroduced dairy with no side effects and has better ideas for meal plans which means she spends less time and money on food shops.

Sally’s daily nausea significantly reduced, her brain fog cleared, digestion became regular, mood improved, and she was finally able to mange her anxiety. She said the best part of her journey getting control of her body back.

This is your invitation to ditch your troublesome hormones, once and for all:

  • Gain the confidence to put a nutritionally balanced meal together (that your hormones will thank you for)

  • Create a daily routine that allows your body to thrive in all areas of your life

  • Understand the cause and effect of your symptoms, so you can have control over your body and long-term health

  • Relieve stress and build resilience so you can make space for true healing to take place

THE END RESULT: Creating A Step By Step Nutrition Plan To Help You Reach Your Personal Health Goals And A Deeper Understanding Of Your Female Physiology!


Lucy experienced a significant decrease in PMDD symptoms after years of struggling, now her mood is so much steadier, she is happier and no longer dreads the week before her period.

Christina’s periods went from being 6 weekly to 32 days, and the nutrition changes helped clear her bloating and constipation.

Faye overcame her PCOS symptoms and saw a boost in energy, felt happy, slept soundly, beat her bloating and PMS, regained a regular cycle and fell pregnant! She said her sugar cravings completely disappeared.

Ella experienced a boost in energy, less anxiety and waking rested by learning how to nourish herself. After two previous miscarriages, Ella fell pregnant and now has a healthy baby.

Hormone Rebalance is a 6 week program that teaches you how to adapt your nutrition and lifestyle habits to achieve great health. I have taken my years of education, clinical experience, and proven strategies to build this one of a kind nutrition program for hormone health.

 Here’s exactly what you’re getting:


Module 1: Foundations of Nutrition Module

Lesson 1: The Importance of Metabolism for Hormone Health and how to track this so you can gain an insight into your metabolic health.

Lesson 2: Eating for Happy Hormones - How to create a balanced meal using carbs, protein and fat to optimise energy, mood, appetite and stress hormones.

Lesson 3: Frequency and Nutrient Density - How to schedule your meals so you always have nutrient dense foods on hand without spending hours in the kitchen!

Module 2: The Female Hormone Cycle Module

The Female Hormone Masterclass - Learn how to interpret your unique hormonal rhythms and identify how these link to your health issues using the AFNutrition symptom tracker.

Sync Your Life With Your Cycle BONUS - Thrive in your health, career, and relationships by adapting your nutrition, movement, self-care, and to-do list in line with your hormone fluctuations.

Module 3: Oestrogen and Progesterone Module

Oestrogen Detoxification: A Three Step Protocol - eliminate PMS, painful and clotty periods, heavy bleeds, headaches, fatigue, and bloating.

Get The Progesterone Glow - A protocol that guarantees anti-stress, anti-ageing, pro-longevity, mood boosting and restorative sleep results.

Module 4: Stress And All It’s Forms Module

A Blueprint To Resilience - Create your daily non negotiable's to actively reduce your life load and give your hormones the chance to flourish.

How to get a good nights sleep, wake feeling rested, move to build resilience and use nutrition as a stress adaptogen.

Module 5: Reduce Your Toxic Load Module

Clean Up Your Environment Checklist - without overhauling your home and cosmetic cabinet!

This masterclass uncovers the many products in your daily life that are detrimental to your hormone health and instead create simple home life recipes that are affordable and nourish your body from outside in.


Plus you’re also getting 3 bonuses:


50+ hormone nourishing recipes that give you permission to enjoy your favourite foods knowing they are contributing to your health!

Meal plan and snack builder guide so that you can put a hormone friendly plate together in a pinch!


Abby’s most helpful handouts and guides to be used as a tool to help you implement the learnings from HRB AND review your progress.

Health Journal; Cycle & Symptom Tracker; Temp & Pulse Guide (measure & track your metabolism); Gut Crash Course; How to Build a Hormone Friendly Plate Guide ; Approved Grocery List


Build a realistic step by step nutrition and lifestyle health plan based on your health goals.

Create a "future steps checklist" so that you know exactly what next steps to take in your health plan.

Complete the weekly checklists to keep you accountable.



 Results from past members

My hormonal cystic acne is literally gone! Not just improved - but gone, I haven’t had a cystic spot since starting the course
— Hannah
The sheer amount of knowledge and information has been fantastic - I feel like I’m learning so much about my body and how it works (that I can’t believe I didn’t know before!)
— becky
Since starting HRB I have clearer skin, reduced anxiety, reduced period pain and a lighter period. It’s without a doubt the best money I’ve spent this year.
— hannah
I don’t suffer from the PMS anxiety, brain fog or night sweats before my period, in fact I am more energetic and my skin is GLOWING.
I didn’t even take pain killers on my last period
— Courtney
My endometriosis cramps are no where near as bad as before, and I’m able to go out and about the week before my period whereas before I was just in too much pain to leave the house
— Izzy
Improved temps and pulses, better sleep, better digestion, satisfaction from meals without the need to binge and sugar cravings have gone.
— Faye

Is This Program For Me?

 Hormone Rebalance IS for you if …

✔️You are 100% ready to take on this learning journey, be flooded with knowledge, and be empowered to take back control of your long-term health.

✔️You’re willing to put aside at least 2 hours per week to learn and implement realistic diet and lifestyle changes that take you from surviving to thriving.

✔️You understand that investing in your health is important when it when healing your hormones, and you appreciate it takes time and consistency to achieve your health goals.

✔️You are ready to ditch the diet culture and restrictive eating ‘rules’ of the health and wellness industry, and instead learn how to nourish your hormones using both plant and animal based foods as part of your daily diet.

Hormone Rebalance is NOT for you if …

❌You think you can achieve optimal health through quick fixes, supplement protocols and FAD diets.

❌You’re not ready to unlock your true healing potential by learning how nutrition affects your hormones.

❌You’re not open to introducing animal based nutrition such as eggs, dairy, meat and fish into your daily diet (the strategies I teach in HRB rely on consumption of animal based foods daily).

❌You aren’t able to commit to a few hours a week of learning … and therefore you know you wont take any action (like any learning journey, you get out what you put in).


To recap, here’s what you get when you enrol in Hormone Rebalance

By the end of the 6 weeks you will have a step by step guide to pain free & regular periods, healthy digestion, restorative sleep, better energy and calmer moods.


  • 5x pre-recorded modules with workbooks and bonus masterclasses (6-7 hours of video learning)

  • The Female Hormone Guide To Nutrition Bundle (Cookbook, Health Journal, Meal Plan Guides, Shopping List etc.)

  • Module workbooks and checklists (which create your step by step health plan)

PLUS LIFETIME access to any future updates!

Are You Ready To Feel Full Of Confidence And Feeling The Best Version Of Yourself?



An up-front one off payment is the only payment option for the self-led program.


You will not be receiving a personalised food plan but you will be creating your own meals and weekly plan over the duration course. Whilst I take you through this process inside the modules, it is up to you to get the most out of the tools I give you.


This is an animal based nutrition program so the nutrition element of the course may be challenging for those on a strict plant-based diet. Those who are vegetarian can implement many of the nutrition strategies by eating eggs and dairy, and even fish if pescatarian. 


AFNutrition does not offer refunds on a change of mind basis, however, you have 30 days to go through the program and implement the learnings. If you can show us that you have watched all the modules, completed all tasks and homework, started to create a health plan which you are implementing daily, and still have not seen any improvements in your health, AFNutrition will refund your payment.