Hormone Rebalance 1-1


  • Health Review And Nutrition Analysis

  • 6x One-to-One Support Calls (over Zoom)

  • Personalised Health Plan & Supporting Documents

  • Hormone Rebalance Modules + Materials (lifetime access)



Hormone Rebalance Modules

Each week there is a module to complete, then we get together over zoom to adapt the strategies you have learnt to your personal nutritional needs and health goals.

MODULE 1: Foundations of Nutrition

Lesson 1: The Importance of Metabolism for Hormone Health and how to track this so you can gain an insight into your metabolic health.

Lesson 2: Eating for Happy Hormones - How to create a balanced meal using carbs, protein and fat to optimise energy, mood, appetite and stress hormones.

Lesson 3: Frequency and Nutrient Density - How to schedule your meals so you always have nutrient dense foods on hand without spending hours in the kitchen!

MODULE 2: The Female Hormone Cycle

Lesson 4: The Female Hormone Masterclass - Learn how to interpret your unique hormonal rhythms and identify how these link to your health issues using the AFNutrition symptom tracker.

Lesson 5: Sync Your Life With Your Cycle BONUS - Thrive in your health, career, and relationships by adapting your nutrition, movement, self-care, and to-do list in line with your hormone fluctuations.

MODULE 3: Oestrogen Metabolism

Lesson 6: Oestrogen Detoxification: A Three Step Protocol - eliminate PMS & PMDD, painful and clotty periods, heavy bleeds, headaches, fatigue, and bloating.

What really is “Oestrogen Dominance”? Understand the role of oestrogen alongside other hormones like progesterone, thyroid and cortisol.

Module 4: Get The Progesterone Glow

Lesson 7: Get The Progesterone Glow: Let me introduce you to the REAL female hormone … Progesterone. Finally understand it’s power and the nutrition and lifestyle strategies that guarantee you will make HEAPS of it!

A protocol that leads to anti-stress, anti-ageing, pro-longevity, mood boosting and restorative sleep results.

MODULE 5: Stress And All It’s Forms

Lesson 8: A Blueprint To Resilience - Create your daily non negotiable's to actively reduce your life load and give your hormones the chance to flourish.

How to get a good nights sleep, wake feeling rested, move to build resilience and use nutrition as a stress adaptogen.